at Nexus

Scientific research informs everything we do at Nexus. Decades of research at the frontier of computing and zero-knowledge cryptography provides a foundation for our work on the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our research team “stands on the shoulders of giants” while creating immediate and real-world applications along the road toward building a better Internet.

Research Principles

Nexus is building the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our latest research findings help push the boundaries of what’s possible with our Nexus zkVM and network.

Our research is informed by three basic principles.

We invent and innovate

We build in public

We learn by doing

research team

Jens Groth

Chief Scientist

Inventor of pairing-based zkSNARKs
Prev. Director of Research @ DFINITY
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ UCL, London

Michel Abdalla

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ UCSD

Advised by Mihir Bellare

President @ International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ ENS, France

Arka Rai Choudhuri

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Johns Hopkins University

Advised by Abhishek Jain

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, NTT Research

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, UC Berkeley

Victor Miller

Member of Technical Staff

Co-inventor of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Ph.D. in Mathematics @ Harvard (advised by Barry Mazur)
Fellow of the IACR, IEEE, and ACM. IEEE Third Millennium Medal, ISSA Hall of Fame

at Nexus

Scientific research informs everything we do at Nexus. Decades of research at the frontier of computing and zero-knowledge cryptography provides a foundation for our work on the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our research team “stands on the shoulders of giants” while creating immediate and real-world applications along the road toward building a better Internet.

Research Principles

Nexus is building the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our latest research findings help push the boundaries of what’s possible with our Nexus zkVM and network.

Our research is informed by three basic principles.

We invent and innovate

We build in public

We learn by doing

research team

Jens Groth

Chief Scientist

Inventor of pairing-based zkSNARKs
Prev. Director of Research @ DFINITY
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ UCL, London

Michel Abdalla

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ UCSD

Advised by Mihir Bellare

President @ International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ ENS, France

Arka Rai Choudhuri

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Johns Hopkins University

Advised by Abhishek Jain

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, NTT Research

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, UC Berkeley

Victor Miller

Member of Technical Staff

Co-inventor of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Ph.D. in Mathematics @ Harvard (advised by Barry Mazur)
Fellow of the IACR, IEEE, and ACM. IEEE Third Millennium Medal, ISSA Hall of Fame

at Nexus

Scientific research informs everything we do at Nexus. Decades of research at the frontier of computing and zero-knowledge cryptography provides a foundation for our work on the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our research team “stands on the shoulders of giants” while creating immediate and real-world applications along the road toward building a better Internet.

Research Principles

Nexus is building the world’s most powerful supercomputer. Our latest research findings help push the boundaries of what’s possible with our Nexus zkVM and network.

Our research is informed by three basic principles.

We invent and innovate

We build in public

We learn by doing

research team

Jens Groth

Chief Scientist

Inventor of pairing-based zkSNARKs
Prev. Director of Research @ DFINITY
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ UCL, London

Michel Abdalla

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ UCSD

Advised by Mihir Bellare

President @ International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ ENS, France

Arka Rai Choudhuri

Member of Technical Staff

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Johns Hopkins University

Advised by Abhishek Jain

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, NTT Research

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, UC Berkeley

Victor Miller

Member of Technical Staff

Co-inventor of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Ph.D. in Mathematics @ Harvard (advised by Barry Mazur)
Fellow of the IACR, IEEE, and ACM. IEEE Third Millennium Medal, ISSA Hall of Fame




Jens Groth

IACR Test-of-Time Award 2023

  • Paper: Efficient Non-interactive Proof Systems for Bilinear Groups

  • Published at Eurocrypt 2008

  • For providing efficient Groth-Sahai proofs that have given rise to many applications including succinct non-interactive arguments.

IACR Test-of-Time Award 2021

  • Paper: Simulation-sound NIZK proofs for a practical language and constant size group signatures

  • Published at Asiacrypt 2006

  • For constructing asymptotically optimal NIZK proofs and group signatures without using random oracles, and paving the way to practical constructions.

Michel Abdalla

PKC Test-of-Time Award 2022

  • Paper: Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange in the Three-Party Setting

  • Published at PKC 2005

  • For making a significant contribution to the theory and practice of public key cryptography