Bringing Truth to the Fabric of the Internet

Nexus is a $25M Series A startup based in San Francisco, and the company behind the Nexus Project: a scientific effort enabling verifiable computation, at Internet scale.

Nexus is a $25M Series A startup based in San Francisco, and the company behind the Nexus Project: a scientific effort enabling verifiable computation, at Internet scale.


Daniel Marin

Chief Executive

B.S. in CS @ Stanford
2x IPhO Medallist

Jens Groth

Chief Scientist

Inventor of pairing-based zkSNARKs
Prev. Director of Research @ DFINITY
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ UCL, London

Alex Fowler

Chief Strategy Officer

B.A. @ Brown, M.A. @ George Washington

Prev. Co-Founder & SVP @ Blockstream

Prev. Chief Privacy Officer @ Mozilla

Prev. with Transparent, PwC, Zero-Knowledge Systems, EFF, and AAAS

Don Beaver

Vice President, Cryptography

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Harvard

Prev. Chief Cryptographer @ Jump
Prev. Staff Research Scientist @ Meta
Inventor of Triples, SumCalc, Decentralized Beacons, Correlated Pseudorandomness

John Slater

Vice President, Brand

Prev. Brand Creative Director @ Meta
Prev. Creative Director @ Twitter
Prev. Director of Creative @ Mozilla

Engineering & Research

Michel Abdalla

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ UCSD

Advised by Mihir Bellare

President @ International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Prev. Professor of Cryptography @ ENS, France

Arka Rai Choudhuri

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Johns Hopkins University

Advised by Abhishek Jain

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, NTT Research

Prev: Postdoctoral researcher, UC Berkeley

Yoichi Hirai

Ph.D. in CS @ U. Tokyo

Advised by Masami Hagiya

Prev. Formal Verification Engineer @ Ethereum

Ben Hoberman

B.S. in EECS @ Berkeley

Research @ RISE/Sky Computing Lab

Prev. Systems Security Engineer @ Opaque Systems

Collin Jackson

Ph.D. in CS @ Stanford

Advised by Dan Boneh

B.S. in CS @ Yale

Prev. Research Faculty, Carnegie Mellon University

Prev. Staff Software Engineer, Flutter @ Google

Inventor of HTTP Strict Transport Security

Samuel Judson

Ph.D. in CS @ Yale
Prev. Security Engineer @ Auth0
7+ papers in ZKPs, Formal Methods & AI

Victor Lopez

B.S. in CS @ USP

Prev. Staff Engineer @ Sovereign Labs

Prev. Staff Engineer @ Polygon Labs

Prev. Maintainer @ Arkworks

Prev. Sr. Engineer @ Fuel Labs

Prev. Sr. Engineer @ Dusk Network

Peyman Manikashani

M.Sc. in CS, Computer Vision @ UCalgary

Prev. Staff Software Engineer @ Alchemy

Prev. Technical Lead @ Nuro

Prev. Sr. Software Engineer @ Convoy

Prev. Sr. Software Engineer @ Microsoft

Duc Nguyen

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ GMU

3x NSUCRYPTO medalist

Evan Schott

B.S. in CS @ Yale

Prev. Compiler Engineer @ Provable

Kristian Sosnin

B.S. in Math @ Moscow State
Prev. Rust Developer @ Matter Labs
Prev. Rust Core Engineer @ Parity

Yinuo Zhang

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ Berkeley

Advised by Sanjam Garg
5+ papers in Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Prev. zkVM Research Intern @ a16z Crypto.


Erica Jostedt

Head of Strategic Communications

Prev. Head of Global Communications @ Mozilla

Prev. Director of Strategic Comms @ Shutterfly

Prev. Head of Comms @ Technical Magic AI

Sean Martell

Director of Design

Prev. Director, Brand Design @ DuckDuckGo

Prev. Creative Lead, Brand @ Mozilla

Daisy Pulido

Executive Assistant, CEO

B.A in H.D @ CSUEB

Prev. Executive Assistant @ RapidAPI

Lilia Tsalenko

Talent Team

MS in Mathematics @ Moscow State University

Prev. Executive Recruiter @ Box, Head of Talent Acquisition @Blockstream
Prev. Staff Software Engineer @ Sun Microsystems, startups

Steve Yu

Head of BD

B.S. @ Cornell

Prev. VP of BD @ Celer Network

Prev. 3x Marine Corps rifle marksmanship expert

Photos from ZK Proof 6


Yevgeniy Dodis

Head of Cryptography @ NYU

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ MIT
Prev. Visiting Professor @ Harvard & Berkeley

Chelsea Komlo

Chief Scientist @ Zcash

Ph.D. in Cryptography @ UWaterloo
Board of Directors @ Tor Project

Zhenfei Zhang

Cryptographer @ Ethereum

Prev. Algorand, Espresso
Co-author of HyperPlonk, VeriZexe, etc.

Giuseppe Persiano

Cryptographer @ Google

Professor @ U. Salerno, Italy
Ph.D. in CS @ Harvard
Co-Inventor of Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs

David Wu

Professor of Cryptography @ UT Austin

Ph.D. in CS @ Stanford
M.S. and B.S. in CS @ Stanford

Helger Lipmaa

Professor of Cryptography @ U. Tartu

20+ years of publications in zkSNARKs

Daniel Vogel

CEO & Co-Founder @ Bitso

MBA @ Harvard
B.S. in CS & Econ @ Stanford

Gengmo Qi

Partner @ Dragonfly

Ph.D. in CS @ Cornell
Prev. Researcher @ Chainlink